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BPS News

24 April 2025

14th Congress of the European Pain Federation - Comorbidity of chronic pain and mental health disorders: Breaking the cycle

The next EFIC congress will be held in Lyon, 24-26 April 2025.

The theme of the congress will be "Comorbidity of chronic pain and mental health disorders : breaking the cycle". This interdisciplinary theme will be of interest to both researchers and clinicians, as it encompasses medical and non-medical healthcare professionals and touches on various fields. Chronic pain and mental health disorders (such as major depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder) are interconnected public health issues with growing prevalence, often coexisting and worsening each other’s impact.

The biopsychosocial approach has transformed the management of chronic pain, emphasizing the need to consider biological, psychological, and social factors. The congress will explore the interplay between chronic pain and mental health disorders, including common risk factors, shared neurobiological mechanisms, and the potential for precision medicine using biomarkers as key aspects while also underlining the importance of reducing stigma, addressing substance-use disorder, and recognizing the unique needs of vulnerable populations, children, and the elderly.

Additionally, #EFIC2025 will examine the intersection of cancer-related pain and mental health and provide an opportunity for collaborative workshops with psychology and psychiatry organizations.

11 October 2024

Formation Hypnose 2024-2025 "Hypnose, douleurs et soins", Centre Universitaire d'Hypnose de Liège

En annexe, veuillez trouver le programme + formulaire de pré-inscription.

13 September 2024

Symposium "Exposure in vivo bij jongeren en volwassenen met chronische pijn: nieuwe ontwikkelingen", Maastricht

5 August 2024

IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain

The next IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain will be held in Amsterdam 05-09/08/2024.

This meeting will be a special World Congress as we celebrate IASP’s 50th Anniversary and the 20th World Congress on Pain.

1 June 2024

BPS Annual Scientific Congress 01/06/24 - Sex, gender and chronic pain

The next BPS Annual Scientific Congress 2024 - 'Sex, gender and chronic pain' will be held on June 1st 2024 (Bluepoint, Brussels).

28 April 2024

EFIC - Virtual Pain Education Summit

The EFIC Virtual Education Summit will be held between 28th-29th May 2024. 

17 April 2024

Call for Application: BPS Award 2024

For 2024, the BPS Award will focus on Clinical Science. The Annual Award aims to recognize and foster the scientific work of a junior researcher in the field of pain. The Award will be presented on the occasion of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the BPS on Saturday 1st June 2024. Applications to submit by 17th April 2024.

25 February 2024

Persbericht/Communiqué de presse Zona

Belgische geriaters, pijnspecialisten en patiënten benadrukken de zware tol van zona tijdens de week van de bewustwording van zona 2024.

In een gezamenlijke inspanning om het publieke bewustzijn over zona te verhogen, nemen de Belgische Vereniging voor Geriatrie en Gerontologie (BVGG-SBGG), de Belgische Pijnvereniging (BPS) en een patiënt verbonden aan Pijnpunt vzw een standpunt in om de ernstige impact van zona (of ook gordelroos of herpes zoster) en de pijnlijke complicatie, postherpetische neuralgie (PHN), tijdens de Week van de  Bewustwording van zona, tussen 26 februari tot 3 maart, in de schijnwerpers te zetten. "Ondanks de  ernstige nood die postherpetische neuralgie (PHN) veroorzaakt, blijft het bewustzijn relatief laag", merkt  dr. Olivier De Coster, anesthesioloog bij AZ Delta, op.


Les gériatres belges, les spécialistes de la douleur et les patients mettent en évidence le lourd bilan du zona lors de la semaine de sensibilisation du zona 2024.

Dans un effort concerté pour sensibiliser le public au zona, la société belge de gériatrie et de gérontologie  (BVGG-SBGG), la Société belge de la douleur (BPS) et un patient associé à Pijnpunt vzw se mobilisent  pour mettre en lumière l'impact sérieux du zona (herpès zoster) et de ses complications douloureuses,  les névralgies post-zostériennes (NPZ) , lors de la semaine de sensibilisation du zona qui a lieu du 26  février au 3 mars. "Malgré la souffrance sévère causée par les névralgies post-zostériennes (NPZ), la  sensibilisation reste relativement faible", mentionne le 

Dr Olivier De Coster, anesthésiste à l'AZ Delta.

20 September 2023

13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC 20-23 September 2023

The 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC® will be held in Budapest, Hungary from 20-22 September 2023. Under the theme of ‘Personalised Pain Management: The Future is Now’, EFIC is putting together an ambitious programme of lectures, workshops, refresher courses and networking initiatives on acute, chronic, cancer and non-cancer pain. In addition to the latest developments in basic, translational and clinical science, we will also focus on pain management in  primary care , as well as multimodal interdisciplinary care. Professor Esther Pogatzki-Zahn is leading an excellent, multidisciplinary  Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) building the in-person programme that will include established internationally known scientists, as well as younger fellows and postdocs. Register now for the most prestigious and largest international pain meeting in 2023 – the early bird deadline ends on 15 May 2023!

3 June 2023

BPS Annual Scientific Congress 03/06/2023 - Translating pain knowledge into integrated pain care

Annual Scientific Congress 2023 of the Belgian Pain Society - 'Translating pain knowledge into integrated pain care" - 03/06/2023 - Bluepoint Conference Center - Brussels

22 April 2023

BPS Young Researchers Day 22 April 2023

After a first successful edition of the BPS Young Researchers Day (YRD) in 2020, a second edition will be organised Saturday April 22nd 2023. The event, hosted at Ghent University, will bring together young researchers and clinicians having an interest in basic or clinical research in the field of pain in Belgium. The event provides a unique opportunity to get to know each other, to learn about the current novelties in pain research carried out by ‘the next generation in pain’, to interact and exchange ideas and foster “bench-to-bedside” collaborations.

17 April 2023

Call for application: BPS Award 2023

For the year 2023, the BPS Award will focus on Basic Science. This annual award aims to recognize and foster the scientific work of a junior researcher in the field of pain. The Award will be presented on the occasion of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Pain Society on 3rd June 2023. Applications can be submitted until 17 April 2023.

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